Saint-Jean de Todon and Saint-Victor-la-Coste: exploring diet and social status in medieval southern France (C. 9TH – 13TH AD) using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses
Early Islamic glass (7th– 10th centuries AD) in Unguja Ukuu, Zanzibar: A microcosm of a globalised industry in the early ‘Abbasid period
The Experimentation of the Sacred in al-Ḥakam II’s Maqṣūra: An Architecture Based on Emotions
Spiritual Landscape Characterization of Muara Takus Temple Compound and Surroundings Area | Karakterisasi Lanskap Spiritual Kompleks Candi Muara Takus dan Kawasan di Sekitarnya
Buddhist Cultural Exchange between Paekche and Ancient Japan: A Comparative Analysis of the Archaeological Remains from the Wooden Pagoda Site at Asukadera and Śarīra Reliquaries from Paekche Temple Sites
Imperial Identity and Religious Reformation: The Buddhist Urban Landscape in Northern Wei Luoyang
Mythological Notions of the Deceased among the Slavic Peoples
Sacred Landscapes and Deep Time: Mobility, Memory, and Monasticism on Crowland
Temple Dedication and Construction Texts of the Ancient Near East with Elapsed Years: Implications for Long Duration Chronologies
Shrouded in history: Unveiling the ways of life of an early Muslim population in Santarém, Portugal (8th– 10th century AD)
A Medieval Islamic Astrolabe with Hebrew Inscriptions in Verona
Plant-related Philistine ritual practices at biblical Gath
History of traditional Mongolian medical education based on Manba Datsan: A literature review
Trance, posture, and tobacco in the Casas Grandes shamanic tradition: Altered states of consciousness and the interaction effects of behavioral variables
Sources of early Islamic silver: lead isotope analysis of dirhams
Resurrecting Mitzpe Shivta: connections between monasticism and economy in the Late Antique Negev Desert
The chronology of Gezer from the end of the late bronze age to iron age II: A meeting point for radiocarbon, archaeology egyptology and the Bible
Interpretation of Funerary Spaces in Roman Times: Insights from a Nucleus of Braga, NW Iberian Peninsula
Religious Buildings in Early al-Andalus: Origins, Consolidation and Prevalence in Urban Contexts
Beyond Controversy in the Hebrew Bible: Standing Stones as Messengers of Common Humanity