The Experimentation of the Sacred in al-Ḥakam II’s Maqṣūra: An Architecture Based on Emotions

Read more by Belén Cuenca-Abellán Published on Religions. 18 February 2024

Spiritual Landscape Characterization of Muara Takus Temple Compound and Surroundings Area | Karakterisasi Lanskap Spiritual Kompleks Candi Muara Takus dan Kawasan di Sekitarnya

Read more by Ari Mukti Wardoyo Adi1, Nugrahadi Mahanani, Ery Soedewo, Gun Faisal Published on SPAFA journal. 19 December 2023

Mythological Notions of the Deceased among the Slavic Peoples

Read more by Dragana Djurić Published on Religions. 05 February 2024

Sacred Landscapes and Deep Time: Mobility, Memory, and Monasticism on Crowland

Read more by Duncan W. Wright&Hugh Willmott. Published on Journal of Field Archaeology. 26 March 2024

Shrouded in history: Unveiling the ways of life of an early Muslim population in Santarém, Portugal (8th– 10th century AD)

Read more by Rebecca Anne MacRoberts,Marco Liberato,Xavier Roca-Rada,Maria João Valente,Claudia Relvado,Teresa Matos Fernandes,Cristina Barrocas Dias,Bastien Llamas,Hermínia Vasconcelos Vilar,Bernd R. Schöne,Sara Ribeiro,José Francisco Santos,João C. Teixeira,Anne-France Maurer. Published on Plos One. 06 March 2024

A Medieval Islamic Astrolabe with Hebrew Inscriptions in Verona

Read more by Federica Gigante Published on nuncius. 01 March 2024

Plant-related Philistine ritual practices at biblical Gath

Read more by Suembikya Frumin, Aren M. Maeir, Maria Eniukhina, Amit Dagan & Ehud Weiss. Published on scientific reports. 12 February 2024

History of traditional Mongolian medical education based on Manba Datsan: A literature review

Read more by Acheterandelger Batmunkh, Munguntuul Enkhbat, Taivanjargal Gankhuyag, Oyunaa Chantuu, Oyungoo Badamdorj. Published on Health Science Reports. 21 November 2023

Trance, posture, and tobacco in the Casas Grandes shamanic tradition: Altered states of consciousness and the interaction effects of behavioral variables

Read more by Christine S. VanPool, Laura Lee, Paul Rober, Todd L. Van Pool. Published on Anthropology of Consciousness. 08 November 2023

Sources of early Islamic silver: lead isotope analysis of dirhams

Read more by Stephen W. Merkel, Jani Oravisjärvi and Jane Kershaw. Published on antiquity. 01 December 2023

Resurrecting Mitzpe Shivta: connections between monasticism and economy in the Late Antique Negev Desert

Read more by Sina Lehnig, Gil Gambash and Guy Bar-Oz. Published on Antiquity. 01 December 2023

The chronology of Gezer from the end of the late bronze age to iron age II: A meeting point for radiocarbon, archaeology egyptology and the Bible

Read more by Lyndelle C. Webster ,Samuel R. Wolff,Steven M. Ortiz,Marcella Barbosa,Cameron Coyle,Gary P. Arbino,Michael W. Dee,Quan Hua,Geraldine E. Jacobsen. Published on Plos One. 15 November 2023

Interpretation of Funerary Spaces in Roman Times: Insights from a Nucleus of Braga, NW Iberian Peninsula

Read more by Cristina Braga, Jorge Ribeiro, Luis Fontes and Ana Fragata. Published on Religions. 17 September 2023

Religious Buildings in Early al-Andalus: Origins, Consolidation and Prevalence in Urban Contexts

Read more by Carmen González-Gutiérrez Published on Religions. 31 October 2023

Beyond Controversy in the Hebrew Bible: Standing Stones as Messengers of Common Humanity

Read more by Elizabeth S. Bloem Viljoen Published on Religions. 25 October 2023

The Alcázar of Córdoba: The Seat of Islamic Power in Al-Andalus

Read more by Alberto León-Muñoz. Published on Arts. 18 September 2023

Toward the Reconstruction of Sacred Medieval Spatialities: Multiscale Analysis of the System of Eremitical Landscapes in Southern Portugal from Historical Records

Read more by Rolando Volzone, João Luís Inglês Fontes & Aurora da Conceição Parreira Carapinha. Published on Historical Archaeology. 14 August 2023

Gathering Souls: Jesuit Missions in the Spanish Empire

Read more by Alexandre Coello de la Rosa. Published on Itinerario. 09 August 2023

Bringing the Inert to Life: The Activation of Animate Beings

Read more by Christine S. Van Pool and Todd L. Van Pool. Published on Religions. 28 December 2022