Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art

Business Type: Research laboratory. University of Oxford Industry type: Research Activity: The Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art (RLAHA) is an key part of the School of Archaeology, with the laboratories and other facilities to support research involving the use of scientific methods within Archaeology. Founded in 1955, it played a key …

Institute for Mummy Studies

Business type: Reasearch institute. Private company, Industry served: Scientific Analysis. Activity: Snapshots of the past times that help us to gain unique insights into our present. By studying skeletons and mummies from all over the world and from different historical periods, we gain knowledge on population history, the development of pathogens and the preservation of …

Analytical, Environmental & Geo-Chemistry Research Group

Business Type: Research Laboratory. Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Industry type: Research Activity: Ongoing research covers: planetary science, including (micro)meteorite search expeditions in Antarctica; studies of the Chicxulub impact-crater, most likely responsible for the K-Pg mass extinction. Paleoclimate reconstructions using stable isotopes and traces elements measured at high resolution on archives such a speleothems and fossil shells. …

Laboratory for Bioarchaeological Sciences

Business Type: Research. University of Central Florida, Industry type: Research Activity: In the Laboratory for Bioarchaeological Sciences (LBAS), we prepare samples for stable isotope analysis. We primarily work with human and animal remains from archaeological contexts from around the world. Samples are manually prepared, chemically treated, and primary products extracted according to lab protocols for …

Aoc Archaeology Group

Business Type: Service provider. Private company, Industry type: Research, Prospection, Conservation Activity: Competitive, ethical & professional heritage solutions.AOC Archaeology Group offers a range of services to enable quick and effective responses to archaeological, heritage and conservation requirements. From preliminary advice and assessments to comprehensive fieldwork and post-excavation analyses and publication, our professional approach is committed to achieving …

Wessex Archaeology

Business Type: Service provider. Private company, Industry type: Research, Prospection Activity: We work with our customers to develop made to measure, holistic solutions to the complex issues that surround the historic environment. The expert knowledge of our heritage teams combined with the breadth of our archaeological services, provides comprehensive risk management that our customers can …

Bluesky International Ltd

Business Type: Service provider. Private company, Industry type: Prospection Activity: Leading aerial survey and geographic data company, producing and maintaining high quality, accurate digital aerial photography and height data on a national scale in both Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland. Contact: Bluesky international Ltd. Location: UK, Ireland, US and India


Business Type: Service provider. Private company, Industry served: Prospection Activity: Established in 2014, the award-winning GEO1 team enables creative vision through use of the newest lidar and imaging sensors. Our skilled operators uniquely configure each acquisition project to provide lidar and imagery that serves individual client needs. Our geospatial analysts are capable of providing a …

ASI Heritage

Business Type: Conservation. Private company, Industry type: Consulting Activity: ASI is composed of a team of dedicated, diverse and talented professionals working to provide the highest quality consulting services in cultural heritage conservation, planning and management. We believe that we can contribute to an understanding of the past and to the quality of our living …