Business Type: Education. Non profit organization (NPO), Industry type: Preservation, Promotion Activity. A global hub for archaeological knowledge and research. Committed to becoming a world-class scientific centre for archaeological and conservation research, the Kingdoms Institute is dedicated to the study of the history and prehistory of the Arabian Peninsula. The institute, by training the next generation of …
Category Archives: Promotion and protection of world heritage
Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)
Business Type: Preservation. Government agency Industry type: Prospection, Preservation, Promotion Activity: El Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, INAH, es el organismo del gobierno federal fundado en 1939, para garantizar la investigación, Definiciones técnicas, protección y difusión del patrimonio prehistórico, arqueológico, antropológico, histórico y paleontológico de México. Su creación ha sido fundamental para preservar nuestro …
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Business Type: Service provider. Government agency Industry type: Protection Activity: There is a lucrative black market in cultural property with strong links to organized crime. Our specialized officers share their expertise and passion for protecting cultural heritage. We ensure information is shared among countries, bring experts together in workshops and conferences, and offer training on how to …