Arkeologgruppen AB

Business Type: Service provider, Private Company Industry type: Prospection Activity: En arkeologisk utredning går ut på att fastställa om det finns fornlämning inom det berörda området. Utredningar genomförs i två etapper. Etapp 1 innebär arkiv- och kartstudier parat med inventering. Vi går över området och dokumenterar synliga lämningar och platser som kan innehålla lämningar som inte är synliga …


Business Type: Service provider, Private Company Industry type: Prospection, Research Activity: La société Archeodunum est un des premiers opérateurs agréé en archéologie préventive en Suisse et en France. -En suisse, La société d’investigations archéologiques Archeodunum a été fondée en 1987 et devient Société Anonyme en 1991. Elle est mandatée pour mener des opérations de fouilles d’archéologie préventive …


Business Type: Service provider, Private Company Industry type: Prospection, Conservation Activity: Créé en 2006 à Limoges, Éveha est aujourd’hui le principal bureau d’études archéologique privé en France. Avec près de 350 collaborateurs et 14 agences réparties sur le territoire national, notre société intervient pour la réalisation de fouilles archéologiques préventives et met également à disposition son expertise …

Arco Arqueologia

Business Type: Consulting, Private Company Industry type: Prospection Activity: Somos una empresa de arqueologia y consultora especializada en patrimonio histórico que asume su responsabilidad de servicio con la iniciativa privada y nos presentamos como colaboradores técnicos muy eficaces para empresas que realizan estudios arqueologicos Contact: Arco Location: Spain

Headland Archaeology

Business Type: Service Provider. Private company. Industry type: Prospection, Preservation Activity: Archaeological contracting services are the core of our business. We can take you from pre-planning surveys and site investigations, right through to mitigation excavations before or during construction.  We pride ourselves on excellent project and risk management, and delivering on time and on budget.  We can …

Public Archaeology Laboratory, Inc.

Business Type: Nonprofit organization (NPO) Industry type: Prospection, Analysis Activity: Established in 1982, PAL has completed thousands of projects in the Northeast and throughout the United States and the Caribbean Islands. We offer services in the fields of archaeology and historic architectural survey, including regulatory compliance, historic tax credits, cemetery investigations, HABS/HAER/HALS & state level documentation, …

Cambridge Archaeological Unit

Business Type: Research laboratory. University of Cambridge, Industry type: Prospection Activity: The Cambridge Archaeological Unit (CAU) was established with the Department in 1990 to create a bridge between academic and commercial archaeology in Britain. Over thirty years, it has grown into one of the UK’s leading archaeological units. Based in Cambridge, and working in the …


Business Type: Engineering service. Government agency, Industry type: Preservation, Prospection Activity: More than 1,000 archaeologists, specialists, scientists and conservators will be exploring and recording over 60 archaeological sites for HS2. As part of HS2’s enabling works, they will reveal over 10,000 years of British history. Their work will range from the Prehistoric period, through Roman Britain, the …


Business Type: Service provider. Private company, Industry type: Prospection, Conservation Activity: Over land and under water, SEARCH is an archaeology firm that deploys the full spectrum of cultural heritage services worldwide. SEARCH2O, our maritime program, is at the forefront of historic shipwreck and submerged pre-contact archaeology, paleolandscape , and deep-water archaeology. Our staff are cultural resource industry …

Aoc Archaeology Group

Business Type: Service provider. Private company, Industry type: Research, Prospection, Conservation Activity: Competitive, ethical & professional heritage solutions.AOC Archaeology Group offers a range of services to enable quick and effective responses to archaeological, heritage and conservation requirements. From preliminary advice and assessments to comprehensive fieldwork and post-excavation analyses and publication, our professional approach is committed to achieving …