Advancing chronologies for Last Interglacial sequences
The late Early Pleistocene site of Fuente Nueva-3 (Guadix-Baza Depression, SE Spain): a hyena latrine developed on a quicksand trap for megaherbivores?
Multi-proxy speleothem-based reconstruction of mid-MIS 3 climate in South Africa
Operation and decline of the Barbegal mill complex, the largest industrial complex of antiquity
Revisiting macromammal exploitation in the Spanish Cantabrian region during the lower Magdalenian (ca. 20-17 ky cal BP)
Multi-proxy speleothem-based reconstruction of mid-MIS 3 climate in South Africa
A neotropical perspective on the uniqueness of the Holocene among interglacials
Low-frequency orbital variations controlled climatic and environmental cycles, amplitudes, and trends in northeast Africa during the Plio-Pleistocene
Hydroclimatic changes on multiple timescales since 7800 y BP in the winter precipitation–dominated Central Asia
The first petrographic characterisation of a prehistoric rock crystal mine in the Swiss Alps
Adaptive foraging behaviours in the Horn of Africa during Toba supereruption
Pre-Cryogenian stratigraphy, palaeontology, and paleogeography of the Tibetan Plateau and environs
Coupled volcanic activity and marine anoxia in the Upper Yangtze region prior to the Capitanian mass extinction
Stratigraphic Significance of Larger Benthic Foraminifera in Miocene Carbonates from Nam Con Son Basin, Vietnam
Giant offshore pumice deposit records a shallow submarine explosive eruption of ancestral Santorini
Changes in paleo-groundwater levels revealed by water wells and their relationship with climate variations in imperial Southern China
Understanding climate resilience in Scandinavia during the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age
Climate, fire disturbance regime, and vegetation response of the past 2500 years for central Nova Scotia
Settlement, landscape and land-use change at a Pictish Elite Centre: Assessing the palaeoecological record for economic continuity and social change at Rhynie in NE Scotland
Hidden in plain sight: A microanalytical study of a Middle Stone Age ochre piece trapped inside a micromorphological block sample
Holocene Deformations at the Po Plain–Southern Alps Transition (Lake Maggiore, Italy): Inferences on Glacially vs. Tectonic-Induced Origin
Late-Holocene diatom community response to climate driven chemical changes in a small, subarctic lake, Northwest Territories, Canada
Late Paleolithic hunter-gatherers’ resilience in the face of the transformation of the vegetation landscape and climate change in the Pre-Pyrenees
Metamorphic and intrusive history of the Hindu Raj region, northern Pakistan