Genome of a middle Holocene hunter-gatherer from Wallacea
Late Pleistocene human paleoecology in the highland savanna ecosystem of mainland Southeast Asia
Modern reuse of ringstones: a case study from Eastern India
Ancestral Dravidian languages in Indus Civilization: ultraconserved Dravidian tooth-word reveals deep linguistic ancestry and supports genetics
The metal age of Thailand and Ricardo’s Law of Comparative Advantage
Preparation and characterization of ancient recipe of organic Lime Putty-Evaluation for its suitability in restoration of Padmanabhapuram Palace, India
The Maldives Heritage Survey
Novel insights on demographic history of tribal and caste groups from West Maharashtra (India) using genome-wide data
Monsoon forced evolution of savanna and the spread of agro-pastoralism in peninsular India
Examining the Origins of Hafting in South Asia
Societies in balance: Monumentality and feasting activities among southern Naga communities, Northeast India
Archaeology of Bandiyagarh, Sirohi, Rajasthan, India
The deep population history of northern East Asia from the Late Pleistocene to the Holocene
Cultural variation impacts paternal and maternal genetic lineages of the Hmong-Mien and Sino-Tibetan groups from Thailand
A standardised classification scheme for the Mid-Holocene Toalean artefacts of South Sulawesi, Indonesia
The Early Peopling of the Philippines based on mtDNA
A journey of over 200 years: early studies on wootz ingots and new evidence from Konasamudram, India
Potentials and limitations for the identification of outdoor dung plasters in humid tropical environment: a geo-ethnoarchaeological case study from South India
The formation of human populations in South and Central Asia
Three thousand years of farming strategies in central Thailand