Laboratory for Artefact Studies at Leiden University

Business Type: Education. University Industry type: Research, Education

Activity: The primary research objective of the Laboratory is the study of object biographies. Facilities are thus aimed at studying the various stages of such biographies: from raw material selection, to object manufacture to object use and abandonment.

For provenience studies the laboratory has an extensive geological reference collection of flint and other stone types and can make use of a portable XRF.

A key expertise is microwear and residue analysis of artefacts made of knapped and ground stone, bone, antler, shell, coral and pottery.The lab thus has one of the largest collections of experimentally used tools in the world. Over  3000 implements and objects, made on a variety of raw materials and used for a range of activities shed light on the interconnectivity of different tools and tasks.

Contact: Laboratory for Artefact Studies Location: Netherlands