Prolonged drying trend coincident with the demise of Norse settlement in southern Greenland
Materialising the Social Relationships of Hunter-Gatherers: Archaeological and Geochemical Analyses of 4th Millennium BC ‘Slate Ring Ornaments’ from Finland
Spaces of Resilience and Resistance: Sámi Habitation in Southern and Central Sweden During the Late Medieval and the Early Modern Period
Migration and community in Bronze Age Orkney: innovation and continuity at the Links of Noltland
Landscapes for Neolithic People in Mainland, Orkney
Ancient DNA at the edge of the world: Continental immigration and the persistence of Neolithic male lineages in Bronze Age Orkney
Weight regulation in British Bronze Age gold objects: a reanalysis and reinterpretation
Calling Time on Oronsay: Revising Settlement Models Around the Mesolithic–Neolithic Transition in Western Scotland, New Evidence from Port Lobh, Colonsay
Keeping time at Stonehenge
Migration and cultural integration in the early medieval cemetery of Finglesham, Kent, through stable isotopes
Strontium isotope identification of possible rural immigrants in 17th century mass graves at St Gertrude church cemetery in Riga, Latvia
A Multisensory Approach to Rock Art: Exploring Tactile and Visual Dimensions in the Southern Scandinavian Rock Art Tradition
Mesolithic Pyrotechnology: Practices and Perceptions in Early Holocene Coastal Norway
Neolithic engagements with the dead: Mortuary processing on Bengorm mountain in the North-West of Ireland
Everyday Life at Bjerre Site 7, a Late Bronze Age House in Thy, Denmark
Under the Skin: Norwegian Bog Skeletons and Perceptions of Personhood, Value, and Sacrifice
Knapping tools in Magdalenian contexts: New evidence from Gough’s Cave (Somerset, UK)
Scottish soldiers from the Battle of Dunbar 1650: A prosopographical approach to a skeletal assemblage
Sedimentary DNA and molecular evidence for early human occupation of the Faroe Islands
An Anatomy of the Blood Eagle: The Practicalities of Viking Torture