Balance of power across the Channel: reassessing Frankish hegemony in southern England (sixth–early seventh century)
Middle Palaeolithic Percussive Tools from the Last Interglacial Site Neumark-Nord 2/2 (Germany) and the Visibility of Such Tools in the Archaeological Record
‘Body-objects’ and personhood in the Iron and Viking Ages: processing, curating, and depositing skulls in domestic space
The Eslington Sword and the Kingdom of Northumbria
Stonelands Cave, Littondale, North Yorkshire: A Newly Identified Roman Cave Site in the South Eastern Yorkshire Dales
From Site to Museum: a Critical Assessment of Collection History on the Formation and Interpretation of the British Early Palaeolithic Record
Artists on the edge of the world: An integrated approach to the study of Magdalenian engraved stone plaquettes from Jersey (Channel Islands)
The Spatial Organization of Bone Crafting During the Middle and Late Mesolithic at Ringsjöholm and Strandvägen in Sweden
The Kalvestene: A reevaluation of the ship settings on the Danish island of Hjarnø
Evaluating machine learning techniques for archaeological lithic sourcing: a case study of flint in Britain
The inverted dead of Britain’s Bronze Age barrows: a perspective from Conceptual Metaphor Theory
Petrified animals: fossil beads from a Neolithic hunter-gatherer double burial at Zvejnieki in Latvia
Adaptive Trade-offs Towards the Last Glacial Maximum in North-Western Europe: a Multidisciplinary View from Walou Cave
Ritual responses to catastrophic volcanism in Viking Age Iceland: Reconsidering Surtshellir Cave through Bayesian analyses of AMS dates, tephrochronology, and texts
Multi-isotope analysis reveals that feasts in the Stonehenge environs and across Wessex drew people and animals from throughout Britain
Memorialization and Heritagization: Investigating the Site of the Last Execution by Hanging in Finland
The last battle of Anne of Brittany: Solving mass grave through an interdisciplinary approach (paleopathology, biological anthropology, history, multiple isotopes and radiocarbon dating)
The World Ends Here, the World Begins Here: Bronze Age Megalithic Monuments in Western Scotland
Lost and found: Viking Age human bones and textiles from Bjerringhøj, Denmark
The Materiality of Odors: Experiencing Church Burials and the Urban Environment in Early Modern Northern Sweden