Newborns, Infants, and Adolescents in Postmedieval Northern Finland: A Case Study from Keminmaa
From Site to Museum: a Critical Assessment of Collection History on the Formation and Interpretation of the British Early Palaeolithic Record
Material Responses to the Great Depression in Northeast England
Investigating Botanical Tributes in Post-Medieval British Burials: Archaeological Evidence from Three Burial Grounds
More than the sum of their parts: reconstituting the paleopathological profile of the individual and commingled Neolithic populations of Western Switzerland
Oxygen isotope dating of oak and elm timbers from the portcullis windlass, Byward Tower, Tower of London
Crossing the ice: an Iron Age to medieval mountain pass at Lendbreen, Norway
Grave gifts manifest the ritual status of cattle in Neolithic societies of northern Germany
Gjellestad: a newly discovered ‘central place’ in south-east Norway
The chronology of Glastonbury Lake Village
First encounters in the north: cultural diversity and gene flow in Early Mesolithic Scandinavia
Ways of death: cremation and belief in first-millennium AD Ireland
Finding Oxford’s medieval Jewry using organic residue analysis, faunal records and historical documents
Memories of migration? The ‘Anglo-Saxon’ burial costume of the fifth century AD
Scalar Effects in Ground Slate Technology and the Adaptive Consequences for Circumpolar Maritime Hunter-Gatherers
Transnational Landscapes of Sámi Reindeer: Domestication and Herding in Northernmost Europe 700–1800 A.D.
Mobility patterns in inland southwestern Sweden during the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age
Bronze Age Swordsmanship: New Insights from Experiments and Wear Analysis
British Neolithic Axehead Distributions and Their Implications
Spectrums of depositional practice in later prehistoric Britain and beyond. Grave goods, hoards and deposits ‘in between’