Horses in the Early Medieval (10th–13th c.) Religious Rituals of Slavs in Polish Areas—An Archaeozoological, Archaeological and Historical Overview
Þingeyrar Abbey in Northern Iceland: A Benedictine Powerhouse of Cultural Heritage
Images of the Mother Goddess in the Neolithic Sanctuary of Pla de Petracos (Alicante, Spain)—The Sacralization of Agriculture
Medieval Shiloh—Continuity and Renewal
Testing and Disrupting Ontologies: Using the Database of Religious History as a Pedagogical Tool
Making Sense of the Transformation of Religious Practices: A Critical Long-term Perspective from Pre- and Proto-historic Japan
Sacred Animals at Saqqara
Of Winged Women and Stone Tombs: Identity and Agency through Iron Age Lycian Mortuary Architecture
Droughts and societal change: The environmental context for the emergence of Islam in late Antique Arabia
Sharing on the Way to the Holy Land: The Shrine of Our Lady of Cassiope on the Island of Corfu
Composite human-animal figures in early urban Northern Mesopotamia: Shamans or images of resistance ?
The sacred representation of a miniature worlds: Rituals with figurines and small and miniaturized pottery at the phoenician cult place of Kharayeb
Bioarchaeological evidence of one of the earliest Islamic burials in the Levant
Characteristics of dried fish stores: Evidence based on an intact pit from Late Islamic Qatar
The Sacred River: State Ritual, Political Legitimacy, and Religious Practice of the Jidu in Imperial China
Archaeology and Kastom: Island Historicities and Transforming Religious Traditions in Southern Vanuatu
Community practice and religion at an Early Islamic cemetery in highland Central Asia
Evidence of ritual breakage of a ground stone tool at the Late Natufian site of Hilazon Tachtit cave (12,000 years ago)
The Avdat in Late Antiquity Project: uncovering the Early Islamic phases of a Byzantine town in the Negev Highlands
Religious innovation and elite ideology at Bronze Age Hazor