Armenian Ecclesiastical Sites in the Kars Province (Turkey): Current State, Preservation and Revalorization
Transcending History: (Re)Building Longchang Monastery of Mount Baohua in the Seventeenth Century
The sacred pool of Ba’al: a reinterpretation of the ‘Kothon’ at Motya
Getting Away from ‘Religion’ in Medieval Japan
Mithraism under the microscope: new revelations about rituals through micromorphology, histotaphonomy and zooarchaeology
Between Rocks and ‘High Places’: On Religious Architecture in the Iron Age Southern Levant
Sharing on the Way to the Holy Land: The Shrine of Our Lady of Cassiope on the Island of Corfu
Insularity and Religious Life: The Case of Hellenistic Ikaros/Failaka Island
The practice of writing inside an Egyptian monastic settlement: preliminary material characterisation of the inks used on Coptic manuscripts from the Monastery of Apa Apollo at Bawit
Textiles and environment in the showcase containing Saint Canute the Holy († AD 1086): Radiocarbon dating and chemical interactions
An Ethnological Analogy and Biogenetic Model for Interpretation of Religion and Ritual in the Past
Chemical-technological research and radiocarbon AMS dating of wall painting fragments from the ruins of the XIIth-XIIIth centuries AD church from archaeological excavations in the city of Smolensk, Russia
Fishing at the Late Islamic settlement in Kharā’ib al-Dasht, Failaka Island, Kuwait
Analysis of pigments and damages for the 19th century White-robed Water-moon Avalokitesvara Painting in Gongju Magoksa Temple, Republic of Korea
Belly fat or bloating? New insights into the physical appearance of St Anthony of Padua
Contextualizing Caves within an Animate Maya Landscape: Caves as Living Agents in the Past and Present
The Mañjuśrī cult in Khotan
Study on the Protection of the Lama Temple Heritage in Inner Mongolia as a Cultural Landscape
Mosque Architecture in Cyprus—Visible and Invisible Aspects of Form and Space, 19th to 21st Centuries
Where myth and archaeology meet: Discovering the Gorgon Medusa’s Lair