A Symbolic Analysis of the Islamic Period Gravestones in the Ahar Museum
Artificial intelligence based writer identification generates new evidence for the unknown scribes of the Dead Sea Scrolls exemplified by the Great Isaiah Scroll (1QIsaa)
Medicinal plants of the Bible—revisited
Christian-Muslim contacts across the Mediterranean: Byzantine glass mosaics in the Great Umayyad Mosque of Córdoba (Spain)
Monitoring Islamic Archaeological Landscapes in Ethiopia Using Open Source Satellite Imagery
Three – Spirit, Mind and Body: The Archaeology of Monastic Healing
One – Sacred Values: Medieval Archaeology and Spiritual Heritage
Two – Monastic Archaeology and National Identity: The Scottish Monastic Experience
Stones of the Saints? Inscribed Stones, Monasticism and the Evangelisation of Western and Northern Britain in the Fifth and Sixth Centuries
From remote sensing and machine learning to the history of the Silk Road: large scale material identification on wall paintings
Israeli Archaeologists Find 1,500-Year-Old Christian Inscription
Radiocarbon dating and microarchaeology untangle the history of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount: A view from Wilson’s Arch
Early African Muslims had a halal – and cosmopolitan diet – discovery of thousands of ancient animal bones shows
Dead Sea Scroll fragments thought to be blank reveal text
The biblical warrior Goliath may not have been so giant after all
A Canaanite palace was abandoned 3,700 years ago. Archaeologists finally know why
Remnants of mosque from earliest decades of Islam found in Israel
Kushan-era Buddhist site found in Pakistan