Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia (ICANH)

Business Type: Research. Government agency Industry type: Preservation, Education Activity: Desde la conformación del Servicio Arqueológico Nacional en el año de 1937 y la posterior creación de lo que es hoy el ICANH desde el año de 1999 (con la fusión de lo que otrora fue el Instituto Colombiano de Antropología, ICAN, y el Instituto …

Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH)

Business Type: Preservation. Government agency Industry type: Prospection, Preservation, Promotion Activity: El Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, INAH, es el organismo del gobierno federal fundado en 1939, para garantizar la investigación, Definiciones técnicas, protección y difusión del patrimonio prehistórico, arqueológico, antropológico, histórico y paleontológico de México. Su creación ha sido fundamental para preservar nuestro …

Global Digital Heritage

Business Type: Education. Non profit organization (NPO), Industry type: Education, Preservation Activity: Global Digital Heritage (GDH) is a not-for-profit, private research and education organization dedicated to documenting, monitoring, and preserving our global cultural and natural heritage. We use digital visualization, 3D virtualization, geospatial informatics, and open access solutions to provide digital data and 3D models to governments, …

Global Heritage Fund

Business Type: Service provider. Non profit organization (NPO), Industry type: Restauration, Preservation Activity: Global Heritage Fund was founded on the premise that cultural heritage protection can catalyze responsible social and economic development. Thoughtfully undertaken, these efforts enhance the quality of life in local communities while preserving invaluable links to our shared human history. Through creative collaborations and …

International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)

Business Type: Service provider. Non profit organization (NPO), Industry type: Restauration, Preservation Activity: the International Council on Monuments and Sites, is a global non-governmental organization associated with UNESCO. Its mission is to promote the conservation, protection, use and enhancement of monuments, building complexes and sites. It participates in the development of doctrine and the evolution and distribution …

MOLA Headland Infrastructure

Business Type: Service provider. Private company, Industry type: prospection, preservation Activity: MOLA Headland Infrastructure is a consortium bringing together two of the largest and most successful archaeological companies in the UK. With seven offices across the country, we are working in partnership to specifically support large infrastructure projects. MOLA Headland Infrastructure offers a comprehensive suite …

World Monuments Fund

Business Type: Service provider. Nonprofit organization (NPO) Industry type: Restauration, Preservation Activity: World Monuments Fund (WMF) is the leading independent organization devoted to safeguarding the world’s most treasured places to enrich people’s lives and build mutual understanding across cultures and communities. Since 1965, our global team of experts have preserved the world’s diverse cultural heritage using …

Institut Européen d’Archéologie Sous-Marine (IEASM)

Business Type: Maritime Archeology. Non profit organization (NPO), Industry type: Prospection Activity: The European Institute for Underwater Archaeology (or IEASM, after Institut Européen d’Archéologie Sous-Marine) is a non profit organisation under French law. Its mission is to research and explore archaeological sites of historical significance. IEASM is able to call upon outside experts in archaeology, history, conservation …


Business Type: Service provider. Government agency Industry type: Protection Activity: There is a lucrative black market in cultural property with strong links to organized crime. Our specialized officers share their expertise and passion for protecting cultural heritage. We ensure information is shared among countries, bring experts together in workshops and conferences, and offer training on how to …

International Association of Dealers in Ancient Art (IADAA)

Business Type: Trade. Non Profit Organization (NPO), Industry type: Art Dealers Activity: The International Association of Dealers in Ancient Art (IADAA) was formed in London in 1993. IADAA is the international association of leading dealers in works of ancient art with high ethical standards. Members adhere to a stringent code of conduct designed to serve not only …