Institut Européen d’Archéologie Sous-Marine (IEASM)

Business Type: Maritime Archeology. Non profit organization (NPO), Industry type: Prospection

Activity: The European Institute for Underwater Archaeology (or IEASM, after Institut Européen d’Archéologie Sous-Marine) is a non profit organisation under French law. Its mission is to research and explore archaeological sites of historical significance.

IEASM is able to call upon outside experts in archaeology, history, conservation restoration, geophysics, geology and advanced technology as required.

The Institute is involved in the restoration of the artifacts it recovers. It publishes monographs and articles about the excavations and their scientific results. It also aims to present the results of its excavations to a wider public through the publications of books, press articles and films as well as the organisation of exhibitions.

ContactIEASM Location: France