Geotechnical modelling of the climate change impact on world heritage properties in Alexandria, Egypt
Western Connections of Northeast Africa: The Garnet Evidence from Late Antique Nubia, Sudan
The spatial organisation of Soba: a medieval capital on the Blue Nile
Automated segmentation of microtomography imaging of Egyptian mummies
Un noas cintré de Khâemouaset
Beads for the nomads of late antiquity: Chemical characterization of glass from the Blemmyan tumuli at Kalabsha, Nubia, of the mid-fourth century CE
Masters and apprentices at the Chapel of Hatshepsut: towards an archaeology of ancient Egyptian reliefs
Teardrops at the Lake: Chemistry of New Kingdom to Makuria Glass Beads and Pendants Between the First and Second Nile Cataracts
Social stratification without genetic differentiation at the site of Kulubnarti in Christian Period Nubia
Egyptian metallic inks on textiles from the 15th century BCE unravelled by non-invasive techniques and chemometric analysis
On Borders and Expansion: Egyptian Imperialism in the Levant during the Ramesside Period
Exploratory palynological studies at the Tell el-Daba’a-Avaris archaeological site
Blue and green in the decoration of a Kushite chapel in Karnak, Egypt: Technical evaluation using low-tech, non-invasive procedures
Mapping the possible buried archaeological targets using magnetic and ground penetrating radar data, Fayoum, Egypt
Water logging problems in Egypt’s Deserts: Case study Abu Mena archaeological site using geospatial techniques
Ptolemaic military operations were a dominant factor in the spread of Egyptian cults across the early Hellenistic Aegean Sea
Ptolemaic political activities on the west coast of Hellenistic Asia Minor had a significant impact on the local spread of the Isiac cults: A spatial network analysis
Assessment of biodegradation in ancient archaeological wood from the Middle Cemetery at Abydos, Egypt
Marea: a swan song of ancient urban planning
Le Faune et le préfet. Une chambre peinte au Mons Claudianus