Holistic approaches to palaeohydrology: Reconstructing and modelling the Neolithic River Çarşamba and the riverscape of Çatalhöyük, Turkey
Climate model experiments on the 4.2 ka event: The impact of tropical sea-surface temperature anomalies and desertification
Geoarchaeological characterisation of a Younger Dryas site in the Alpine uplands: Cornafessa rock shelter (Italy)
Diversification of lithic raw materials used by Mesolithic inhabitants of Los Canes cave (Sierra del Cuera, Eastern Asturias, Spain), and quartz crystallite size of chert as an essential indicator parameter of its provenance
Rapid 20th century warming reverses 900-year cooling in the Gulf of Maine
An extended last glacial maximum in the Southern Hemisphere: A contribution to the SHeMax project
High-performing mortar-based materials from the late imperial baths of Aquileia: An outstanding example of Roman building tradition in Northern Italy
A site formation model for Cuncaicha rock shelter: Depositional and postdepositional processes at the high-altitude keysite in the Peruvian Andes
Geochemical fingerprinting of Pleistocene stone tools from the Tràng An Landscape Complex, Ninh Bình Province, Vietnam
The effect of formation processes on the frequency of palaeolithic cave sites in semiarid zones: Insights from Kazakhstan
The 79 CE eruption of Vesuvius: A lesson from the past and the need of a multidisciplinary approach for developments in volcanology
Modeling and monitoring submerged prehistoric sites during offshore sand dredging and implications for the study of Early Holocene Coastal Occupation of Southern California
Geophysical survey of the Roman and post-Roman site of Proendos, Ribeira Sacra, Lugo, Spain
Lost in the North Sea—Geophysical and geoarchaeological prospection of the Rungholt medieval dyke system (North Frisia, Germany)
Palaeoecological reconstructions of the Middle to Late Pleistocene occupations in the Southern Caucasus using rodent assemblages
Representatives of the Miaohe Biota from the Ediacaran (Vendian) Pre-Shuram Strata of the Patom Highland, Siberia
Mechanical properties of lithic raw materials from Kazakhstan: Comparing chert, shale, and porphyry
Neanderthals in changing environments from MIS 5 to early MIS 4 in northern Central Europe – Integrating archaeological, (chrono)stratigraphic and paleoenvironmental evidence at the site of Lichtenberg
Did a 3800-year-old Mw ~9.5 earthquake trigger major social disruption in the Atacama Desert?
Lost in the North Sea—Geophysical and geoarchaeological prospection of the Rungholt medieval dyke system (North Frisia, Germany)