Towers on the Earthen Foundation: New Insights by the Excavation and Boring Survey at the Bayon Temple
Agricultural systems in Bangladesh: the first archaeobotanical results from Early Historic Wari-Bateshwar and Early Medieval Vikrampura
Microlithic variation and the Mesolithic occupations of western India
Preceramic riverside hunter-gatherers and the arrival of Neolithic farmers in northern Luzon
Mongol fleet on the way to Java: First archaeological remains from the Karimata Strait in Indonesia
Maritime Archaeology and Capacity Development in the Global South
An archaeological survey of the Assam stone jar sites
Grounding texts and theories of societal change
Indian genetic heritage in Southeast Asian populations
Early modern human from Southeast Asia adapted to a rainforest environment
The Indigenous Paleolithic Cultural Inheritance in the “Maritime Region of Southeastern Asia” During the Early Neolithization Around 10,000 Years Ago
Back to basics: returning to the evidence and mapping knowledge in south Asian archaeology
Mandalay’s hydraulic system –a historiographical approach to the regional spatial structure
Migrating architectures: Palladio’s legacy from Calcutta to New Delhi
Exploring Chaundkot Fort in Garhwal, central Himalaya, India
The Maldives Heritage Survey
A first absolute chronology for Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age Myanmar: new AMS 14C dates from Nyaung’gan and Oakaie
Spice and rice: pepper, cloves and everyday cereal foods at the ancient port of Mantai, Sri Lanka
Female craniometrics support the ‘two-layer model’ of human dispersal in Eastern Eurasia
Provisioning an Early City: Spatial Equilibrium in the Agricultural Economy at Angkor, Cambodia