Sex-biased parental investment and female wealth accumulation in ancient California
Exploring the Nature of Authority Over, and Ownership of Data Generated by Archaeological Lidar Projects in Latin America
Multiscale analysis of Benjamin Franklin’s innovations in American paper money
Deadly sharp points found in Idaho could be first American-made tools
Early dispersal of domestic horses into the Great Plains and northern Rockies
Indigenous fire management and cross-scale fire-climate relationships in the Southwest United States from 1500 to 1900 CE
Demographic history and genetic structure in pre-Hispanic Central Mexico
The Maya 819-Day Count and Planetary Astronomy
Digital documentation and analysis of Native American rock art and Euro-American historical inscriptions from the Canyons of the Ancients National Monument, Colorado
Unleashing Maya warfare: Inquiry into the practical aspects of war-making
The CARE Principles and the Reuse, Sharing, and Curation of Indigenous Data in Canadian Archaeology
Lidar-Derived Road Profiles
La isla de Atitlán: un nuevo yacimiento de obsidiana en el Occidente de México
Cultural dimensions of warfare in the Maya world
Dating of a large tool assemblage at the Cooper’s Ferry site (Idaho, USA) to ~15,785 cal yr B.P. extends the age of stemmed points in the Americas
Spatial and Temporal Limits of the Casas Grandes Tradition: A View from the Fronteras Valley
Ancient inhabitants of the Basin of Mexico kept an accurate agricultural calendar using sunrise observatories and mountain alignments
LiDAR analyses in the contiguous Mirador-Calakmul Karst Basin, Guatemala: an introduction to new perspectives on regional early Maya socioeconomic and political organization
Great Kivas and Community Integration at the Harris Site, Southwestern New Mexico
The Monongahela tradition in “real time”: Bayesian analysis of radiocarbon dates