Ritual Economy and the Organization of Scioto Hopewell Craft Production: Insights from the Outskirts of the Mound City Group
Reassessing the chronology of the archaeological site of Anzick
Plant species richness at archaeological sites suggests ecological legacy of Indigenous subsistence on the Colorado Plateau
Large-Scale Patterns in the Agricultural Demographic Transition of Mesoamerica and Southwestern North America
LiDAR predictive modeling of Pacific Northwest mound sites: A study of Willamette Valley Kalapuya Mounds, Oregon (USA)
Pre-contact adaptations to the Little Ice Age in Southwest Alaska: New evidence from the Nunalleq site
Radiocarbon re-dating of contact-era Iroquoian history in northeastern North America
Late Pleistocene exploration and settlement of the Americas by modern humans
Maintaining Traditions: Food and Identity among Early Immigrants to Upper Canada
Biomolecular archaeology reveals ancient origins of indigenous tobacco smoking in North American Plateau
Loss of resilience preceded transformations of pre-Hispanic Pueblo societies
Dark Heritage in the New South: Remembering Convict Leasing in Southern Middle Tennessee through Community Archaeology
Archaeology, Participatory Democracy and Social Justice in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Research suggests north America first populated by ‘stepping stone’ migration across Bering sea
Connecting Native Students to STEM Research Using Virtual Archaeology
Migration and Memorials: Irish Cultural Identity in Early Nineteenth-Century Lowell, Massachusetts
Implementing Participatory Site Stewardship through Citizen Science and Mobile Apps
Making Mitigation Meaningful to Descendant Communities: An Example from Zuni
Datura quids at Pinwheel Cave, California, provide unambiguous confirmation of the ingestion of hallucinogens at a rock art site
Native American fire management at an ancient wildland–urban interface in the Southwest United States