Centro Nacional de Investigación sobre la Evolución Humana (CENIEH)

Business Type: Research. Government agency Industry type: Conservation, Research Activity: El CENIEH es una Infraestructura Científica y Técnica Singular (ICTS) abierta al uso de la comunidad científica y tecnológica, en la que se desarrollan investigaciones en el ámbito de la evolución humana durante el Neógeno superior y Cuaternario, promoviendo la sensibilización y transferencia de conocimientos a …

NTNU University Museum

Business Type: Education, Museum, Industry type: Preservation, Research Activity: The NTNU University Museum is a Natural and Cultural History museum located at Kalvskinnet in Trondheim. Ringve botanical garden is also part of the museum. The Museum also includes the Department of Natural History, the Department of Archeology and Cultural History and The National Laboratory for Age …

International Chemical Analysis (ICA)

Business Type: Service Provider, Private company, Industry type: Research Activity: International Chemical Analysis, Inc. (ICA) opened its doors in 2013 to service the growing need for affordable radiocarbon dating analysis with a fast turn-around. Since opening, ICA has dated thousands of carbon-14 samples for hundreds of clients from all over the world. Radiocarbon analysis employing …

Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (中国社会科学院考古研究所)

Business Type: Research. Government agency. Industry type: Research, Prospection Activity: 中国社会科学院考古研究所成立于1950年8月1日,是中国科学院建院伊始组建的首批研究所之一,1977年改属中国社会科学院。考古研究所是目前我国学科门类最全、研究领域最广、专业人员最多、学术成果最丰硕的国内一流、国际著名的国家级考古研究机构。 考古研究所现有史前考古研究室、夏商周考古研究室、汉唐考古研究室、边疆民族与宗教考古研究室、国外考古研究室、考古科技与实验研究中心、文化遗产保护研究中心、考古杂志社,另有西安研究室、洛阳工作站和安阳工作站三个派出机构。考古研究所主办有誉满学界的《考古学报》、《考古》、《考古学集刊》和我国目前唯一的英文期刊ChineseArchaeology Contact: IA Location: China

University of Liverpool Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology (ACE)

Business Type: Education. University Industry type: Research, Education Activity: At present, members of the Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology engage in interdisciplinary research in the fields of Old World prehistory (particularly of Southwest Asia, Mediterranean Europe and Africa), human evolution and palaeoanthropology, bioarchaeology, environmental archaeology, archaeomaterials, Egyptology, the archaeology, languages, history and cultures of …

Institut français d’archéologie orientale du Caire (IFAO)

Business Type: Egyptology. Government agency. Industry type: Research, Education Activity: Etudier les civilisations qui se sont succédé en Égypte depuis la Préhistoire jusqu’à l’époque moderne. Les disciplines concernées sont l’archéologie, la philologie et l’histoire. Les chantiers de l’IFAO concernent toutes les périodes (Préhistoire, Égypte pharaonique, période copte, période islamique) et des sites sont fouillés sur tout le …

Institute of Archeology and Ethnography SB RAS (Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Институт археологии и этнографии СО РАН, ИАЭТ СО РАН

Business Type: Research. Independant Scientific Organization Industry type: Research Activity: The Institute studies the history and culture of Eurasia, human habitation during the Pleistocene and Holocene epochs, the development and transformation of ancient cultures in the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages, as well as in the Middle Ages. The organization also explores the culture of …

Instituto Colombiano de Antropología e Historia (ICANH)

Business Type: Research. Government agency Industry type: Preservation, Education Activity: Desde la conformación del Servicio Arqueológico Nacional en el año de 1937 y la posterior creación de lo que es hoy el ICANH desde el año de 1999 (con la fusión de lo que otrora fue el Instituto Colombiano de Antropología, ICAN, y el Instituto …

Institut Européen d’Archéologie Sous-Marine (IEASM)

Business Type: Maritime Archeology. Non profit organization (NPO), Industry type: Prospection Activity: The European Institute for Underwater Archaeology (or IEASM, after Institut Européen d’Archéologie Sous-Marine) is a non profit organisation under French law. Its mission is to research and explore archaeological sites of historical significance. IEASM is able to call upon outside experts in archaeology, history, conservation …

Oriental Institute

Business Type: Research. University of Chicago, Industry type: Research, Prospection Activity: The Oriental Institute has sponsored archaeological and survey expeditions in nearly every country of the Middle East. There are projects currently active in Egypt, Israel,The Palestinian Territories, Turkey, and Jordan. These completed and ongoing excavations have defined the basic chronologies for many ancient Near Eastern civilizations …