Vibrant pasts in museum drawers: Advances in the study of late precolonial (AD 800–1500) materials collected from north-central Venezuela
Maritime Paleoindian technology, subsistence, and ecology at an ~11,700 year old Paleocoastal site on California’s Northern Channel Islands, USA
Protecting a Broken Window: Vandalism and Security at Rural Rock Art Sites
Bayesian assessment of northern Alaskan chronological issues: Implications for future research
A Teotihuacan complex at the Classic Maya city of Tikal, Guatemala
Coalescence and the Spread of Glaze-Painted Pottery in the Central Rio Grande: The View from Tijeras Pueblo (LA581), New Mexico
Human responses to the Ilopango Tierra Blanca Joven eruption: excavations at San Andrés, El Salvador
Selective memory: Monumental politics of the Yaxuná E group in the first millenium B.C
Predicting wildfire impacts on the prehistoric archaeological record of the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico, USA
Late Upper Paleolithic occupation at Cooper’s Ferry, Idaho, USA, ~16,000 years ago
Reevaluating the antiquity of the Palmrose site: Collections-based research of an early plank house on the northern Oregon Coast
The age of Clovis—13,050 to 12,750 cal yr B.P.
Speech-Breath: Mapping the Multisensory Experience in Pecos River Style Pictography
Reading between the Lines: The Social Value of Dogoszhi Style in the Chaco World
The Evolution of Smoking and Intoxicant Plant Use in Ancient Northwestern North America
Deep learning reveals extent of Archaic Native American shell-ring building practices
Dorset Pre-Inuit and Beothuk foodways in Newfoundland, ca. AD 500-1829
Faces Divulge the Origins of Caribbean Prehistoric Inhabitants
Havana Tradition Platform Pipe Production and Disposition: Implications for Interpreting Regional Variation in Midwestern Hopewell Ceremonialism
The First Cathedral on America’s Pacific Coast